jap bagi aku gelak jap..sakit mate aku....haha..
ok dah.....
ok...serius serius..ehem ehem...
memula skali aku nak comment skit pasal exam math tadi...
alhamdulillah question banyak same ngan notes...n tutorial..weee..
thanks Miss u ah..muah3x..(as a lecturer je eh)..jgan nak lebey2..
sedey lpas ni xpat jumpe Miss lgi..
tapi ade gak soklan nak marah Miss ni!!..haha..
xde la..ade gak la yang sangkut..adeh~..tpi dpat ah buat smua..tolong2 ah miss eh :P
hahahaha...sbnrnye bukan ni yang aku nak crita...
aku tgah dok2 study chem tadi..BI nak study malam ah..pas2..aku tibe nampak file lame..
mase kat stamford dulu..BI punye ah...aku bukak la balik..
jumpe essay aku..di zaman kanak-kanak!!!!!!!!!!!!!...hahaha..
sakit perut aku bace..xtau la korang camne kan...
aku bukan bnyk mse nak update blog ni..tpi alang2 otak da tepu..hehe..penat xsmpai 15 mins pon..
essay dia camni...
Once upon time, there was a castle called Can You Believe It? In that castle, there was a King called Unbelievable. The condition of the country was very poor! The story began 2 a.c. At that time there was no ant. ( ni gile menipu..bapak pembohong besaq!) haha..
One day, while the King was in the toilet (eew)..suddently, he heard a strange sound from the bowl. (*siape yang makan sambil baca sorry la ek)..haha. Sound like tit...tit...tit..Boom!!!!.. and the king was shocked! An ant as big as cat appeared! Looking at the pink creature. Unbelievable. ( ni lagi la menipu..) There was a laptop at one hand of the ant. hahaha
As time goes by, the ant helped the King to civilise his country. Then, 1/2 years later, with the antena of the ant, the country is now equiped with bluetooth and infrared. ngaa~.. The King loves the ant. As the fur of the ant is very soft, King Unbelievable divorce his wife because he likes to hug the ant during his sleep..*bengong je
The ant help the King fix his bike, his wagon, his windmill and many more as the ant can also works as mechanics.
Two years later, as there was no electricity in the country, the King did not charge the ant. As the ant is rechargable, the and finally cannot be use. Now, the ant was finally burried with the King in his grave and cannot be find until now.
apekah ini?? hahahahahhaha
hahahaha! lawak la zai! bole pulak divorce sbb ske peluk semut tu? haha. :DD
gelak pun sakit mate ke?:P hehe
hells : entah ah..hahah..
sai : ngaa..tu la pasal..semut tu lagi hot kan..hahaha
wana : sakit kot..berair2 mate =))
ngok ngek la ko ni zai~
sampai hati kau fil~~ huhu
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