Kawan-Kawan ^^

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Assalammualaikum wbt

Alhamdulillah, bertemu kembali.
Alhamdulillah umur dah meningkat to 19 on this day,
Alhamdulillah masih diberi kesempatan bernafas setelah nearly 2 dekad,
MasyaAllah, rahmat Allah terlalu besar untuk dihitung selama 19 tahun ni..

Bagi sesiapa yang mengenali diri aku semasa foundation pre medical studies Aucms..
Totally aku sedih sebab tak ada langsung wish birthday kat situ.
tak apa lah.

As long as mak, abah and kawan-kawan wish dah cukup dah.
Masa family call, terasa mata masuk pasir sekejap..
Tapi di tahan sebab takut hilang pulang macho..
Tapi lepas letak telefon, Alhamdulillah.

Apa la zai..
Gila tak macho kau.
But seriusly, lepas thanks to mak and abah atas apa yang diorang buat selama ni..
Alhamdulillah, aku rasa bersyukur sangat ada parents yang macam tu.

As we entered to this new era of age,
I hope we will look back what we have done for the past years in our life.
Is that enough for us to face Allah?

In term of maturity in deciding words,
I do believe we need to be more sensitive toward others.
Think before you talk.

Not everybody will like every single thing that you do.
And that is the fact.
We cant keep others shut.
They are free to give their opinion, words, and so on.

But sometimes, 
we don't like others,
others don't like us,
And that is normal.

Tapi, kita seems suka and sewenang-wenangnya says whatever that we like to others.
And i believe that is not appropriate

Sebelum ni, aku pun suka critic orang
Suka hati aku apa yang aku nak cakap.
But why i dont put myself at the situation of that person at that time.

Critic is positive
Yup kalau kita ambil dari sudut yang positive.
We need to be fair in looking at the good side of them and the bad side of them

Kadang-kadang kita terlalu jujur dengan apa yang kita cakap pun tak boleh jugak
Kene la jaga sensitivity semua orang.
Tak semua orang akan stand and cheer for us
Tak semua orang akan mengangis bersama bila kita ditimpa musibah

"Jika sampai kepadamu sesuatu yang negatif mengenai pandangan saudaramu, maka carilah alasan keuzuran untuknya. Jika kamu tidak mendapatan alasan keuzuran, maka katakanlah barangkali dia memiliki alasan keuzuran" 
Riwayat al-Baihaqi, Shu'ab al Iman, jil 17, hlm 35
-Solusi Isu 35- Mengkritik Jangan Sampai Menghina, page 57

So, aku harap,
dengan meningkanya umur masing-masing,
let us be more matured and sensitive toward others

Maybe apa yang kita kata itu betul,
Maybe salah
But there are ways for us to tell our opinions
And there are ways in giving an advice towards people.

p/s : Happy Birthday to me!!! ^^


sahabat cork said...

I hope that the coming year provides you with all the success and fulfillment your heart wishes.

syazwanizrashid said...

oho!! hepy bday zai. may today onwards be better than before..semoga dengan pertambahan usia, kekuatan iman pon bertambah :)

ezzara said...

selamat hari lahir..! :)

Nabilah Jamaludin said...

besday zaiii.... =D

Nabilah Jamaludin said...

eppy besday zaiii!! lame tak jumpe ko,, ;)